Monday, April 10, 2006

Survivor - the real reality

Alright. I had spring break last week and I came home to spend time with my nieces and nephews. I had this ideal idea that it would be really great (and easy) to have slumber parties with all of my nieces and nephews. Like... I work with 5th through 8th graders. I mean, this is a breeze. And my sister has four little ones - and being the older sister - I taught her everything she does with her little ones.... heehee.... and she is a great mom. So, yes, this is going to be a breeze.

Tuesday night (of course AFTER American Idol) I went to my sister's to have a slumber party with her four. Actually it ended up being only three - as Olie is too little and too much of a distraction to handle the sleeping-bag-in-the-living-room-on-the-hard-floor-and-let's-watch-a-movie-until(thankfully)-all-little-ones-under-eight-fall-asleep-and-then-the-adults-can-leave-and-sleep-in-a-comfortable-bed party. Cool! So, Noah found his spot in the living room, Isabel found hers, Maja jocked for her spot, I found a spot, and even Momma (seven months pregnant) found her spot on the HARD floor. Blankets were all over the place, pillows by feets, under heads, and (especially) under my hips. Did I mention the floor was hard? So, popped in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Watched for awhile. The kids were pretty quiet remarkably until Noah asked for popcorn. No, there's no popcorn. Soon, I looked longingly at the cushy sofa - thinking - am I going to survive this night? Yes. Buck up, Michelle! So, I fell asleep. Later, I woke up sore and aching from the HARD floor - yes, there was carpet, but must have had no carpet pad..... anyway, I noticed then that the pregnant lady had taken the sofa! Alright! If I wasn't so tired and sore, I would have wrestled that fat pregnant lady off that cushy couch and slept there....

The next morning - and several tylenol tablets later, I realized I woke up with Charlie and Chocolate Factory still playing! "Maja, did that movie play all night?" Eeekkkk!

Continued tomorrow when seven month old Zoe comes to slumber with Aunt Shell...